Oftentimes it feels as though everyone else has it together and we are barely keeping our "head above water". Those old "sound bytes" play over and over in our head, reminding us that we are not enough! Shame binds our heart, our mind, and our spirit, holding us hostage to feelings of embarrassment, inadequacy, and unworthiness. We struggle to break free from the pain of shame through addiction, anger, control, and other self-defeating behaviors. While the pressure is relieved, it is short lived. All too soon we find ourselves again in the same cycle, participating in the same behaviors we swore we would abandon.

What would it mean for you to get your self-defeating behaviors under control?
How would it make a difference in your family, your work, your life?
Would you like some help making that change?
I can help you understand the core root of your problematic behaviors and guide you to skills and tools that will empower you to get out of that "cycle" and reclaim your life.